
PhD Research





March 2015- Post-doctoral Associate in Ruben Juanes Research group

Research Experience

2011-2014 PhD at Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon and ILM (Université Lyon 1), under the direction of Loïc Vanel and Stéphane Santucci : Stick-slip instability during the peeling of an adhesive

April-July 2011: 4-month internship at LPMCN, Université Lyon 1, France, supervised by Loïc Vanel and Stéphane Santucci : Stick-slip instability during the peeling of an adhesive

May-July 2010: 3-month internship at the Physics Department , Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, supervised by Arshad Kudrolli : Experimental study of capillary aggregation

June-July 2009: 2-month internship at laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS Lyon, France supervised by J-C Geminard : Flowers in flour: Avalanches in cohesive granular matter


2011-2014: PhD Thesis at Université Lyon 1

2009-2011 : Master degree, Physics of matter, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon , France

2008-2009 : Bachelor's degree, Physics of matter at the ENS, Lyon, France

mjdalbe/Vitae (last edited 2016-08-05 18:55:03 by mjdalbe)