Recent News
[April 22, 2021] Paper in collaboration with colleagues from MIT, Harvard, UC Riverside, UT Austin, and Eni, on a process-based approach to understanding and managing triggered seismicity, accepted in Nature. (Read the paper)
[Feb 19, 2021] Ehsan Haghighat's paper in collaboration with Maziar Raissi from University of Colorado Boulder and Hector Gomez from Purdue University, on a physics-informed deep learning framework for inversion and surrogate modeling in solid mechanics, published in CMAME. (Read the paper)
[Jan 11, 2021] Pietro de Anna and Amir Pahlavan's paper, in collaboration with Yutaka Yawata and Roman Stocker from ETH Zurich, on how chemotaxis under flow disorder shapes microbial dispersion in porous media, published in Nature Physics. (Read the paper; Supplementary Information (~100MB))