Recent News

Triggered seismicity in Val d'Agri

  • [April 22, 2021] Paper in collaboration with colleagues from MIT, Harvard, UC Riverside, UT Austin, and Eni, on a process-based approach to understanding and managing triggered seismicity, accepted in Nature. (Read the paper)

Physics-informed neural networks for solid mechanics

  • [Feb 19, 2021] Ehsan Haghighat's paper in collaboration with Maziar Raissi from University of Colorado Boulder and Hector Gomez from Purdue University, on a physics-informed deep learning framework for inversion and surrogate modeling in solid mechanics, published in CMAME. (Read the paper)

Chemotaxis in porous media



Massachusetts Institute of Technology · Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 48 · Cambridge, MA 02139