##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en {{attachment:maryam_pic_2021.jpg|Maryam Alghannam|class="align_right",width="200"}} == Maryam Alghannam == I am a PhD candidate in [[https://cse.mit.edu/programs/phd/ |Computational Science and Engineering |title="MIT CSE"]] at MIT. Prior to MIT, I obtained my MS in [[https://ce.berkeley.edu/programs/geo |Civil and Environmental Engineering (GeoSystems) |title="UCB GEO"]] from UC Berkeley in 2017 and BS in [[https://engineering.tamu.edu/petroleum/index.html |Petroleum Engineering |title="TAMU PET"]] from Texas A&M University in 2012. I also worked as a reservoir engineer in the oil and gas industry for three years. Here, I am interested in studying induced seismicity and fault poromechanics using theory and simulation. Research interests: * Fluid pressurization effect on frictional stability.  * Slip dynamics at heterogeneous interfaces.  * Macro and microscopic basis of friction.  * Energy partitioning during an earthquake.  Publications: [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=t_Q-qq0AAAAJ&hl=en|Google scholar profile|target="_blank"]] * Understanding rate effects in injection-induced earthquakes.<
> M. Alghannam, and R. Juanes, ''Nature Communications'', '''11''', 3053 (2020), doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16860-y. ([[attachment:alghannam_juanes_natcomm_2020.pdf|pdf|&do=get]]) ---- ~-[[http://web.mit.edu/|Massachusetts Institute of Technology]]<
> 77 Massachusetts Ave <
> Cambridge, MA 02139 <
> Email: maryamgh@mit.edu -~